Paddington College is a leading independent higher education and offers a range of bachelors & Diplomas degree all these programmers are running through online studding and under the auspices of our accredited centers in different parts of the world to make the studding life easy to every knowledge seeker.
The College occupies buildings east London, The College is non-profit-making and so is able to offer relatively low tuition fees. Overseas student pay only slightly more than UK/EU students and this is only to cover the extra administrative cost of their recruitment and visa formalities.

Students entering the College enjoy every practical incentive to succeed. PC is staffed by tutors of the highest quality and all students have access to an impressive range of specialist teaching aids including audio-visual equipment and modern computer facilities. Lecturers are chosen not just for their technical skills but also for their ability to impart their knowledge to others. They are entertaining and friendly, and always do their best to ensure that the course is as enjoyable as possible. In such a progressive environment students discover a new interest in learning, and new outlets for their natural potential.

All lectures rooms and computer labs are climate-controlled and equipped with digital projectors which are linked to the College computer network and to the College's virtual learning environment. The College also offers an extensive library with electronic access to University libraries.